Research and Teaching Awards for the MIA Group |
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Highly Ranked Scholar
On May 10, 2024, Joachim Weickert has been awarded the distinction of a Highly Ranked Scholar by ScholarGPS for his lifetime contributions in optical flow computation (i.e. motion analysis in image sequences).
Winter Term 2023/2024 Computer Science Teaching Award
On April 15, 2024, a Busy Beaver Teaching Award of the computer
science students has been given to Pascal Peter for his class on
"Differential Equations in Image Processing and Computer Vision".
AAIA Fellow
On November 10, 2021, Joachim Weickert has been elected a Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA).
Summer Term 2019 Computer Science Teaching Award
On October 14, 2019, a Busy Beaver Teaching Award of the computer
science students has been given to the MIA group for Pascal Peter's
class on
"Image Compression" and Joachim Weickert's class on
"Image Processing and Computer Vision".
Winter Term 2018/2019 Computer Science Teaching Award
On April 8, 2019, a Busy Beaver Teaching Award of the computer
science students has been given to Pascal Peter for his
class on
"Image Acquisition Methods".
Summer Term 2017 Computer Science Teaching Award
On October 16, 2017, a Busy Beaver Teaching Award of the computer
science students has been given to Pascal Peter for his
class on
"Image Compression".
Winter Term 2016/2017 Computer Science Teaching Award
On April 18, 2017, a Busy Beaver Teaching Award of the computer
science students has been given to Joachim Weickert for his
class on
"Mathematics for Computer Scientists III".
2017 ERC Advanced Grant
Joachim Weickert has been awarded an
ERC Advanced Grant for his proposal
"INCOVID: Inpainting-based Compression of Visual Data". This prestigious
grant by the European Research Council (ERC) provides funding of up to
2.46 million Euro over a period of five years. It supports our research
on a
new generation of methods for compressing images and videos more
PCS 2016 Best Poster Award
At the 32nd Picture Coding Symposium (PCS 2016, Nuremberg, Germany,
December 5-7, 2016), Sarah Andris, Pascal Peter, and Joachim Weickert
have received the Best Poster Award for their paper
"A Proof-of-Concept Framework for PDE-Based Video Compression".
GCPR 2016 Best Paper Award
At the 38th German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR 2016,
Hanover, Germany, September 12-15, 2016), David Hafner, Peter Ochs,
Joachim Weickert, Martin Reißel, and Sven Grewenig have received
the Best Paper Award for their publication on
"FSI Schemes: Fast Semi-Iterative Solvers for PDEs and Optimisation
CVPR 2016 Outstanding Reviewer Award
At the
29th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
(CVPR 2016, Las Vegas, NV, USA, June 26 - July 1, 2016), Peter Ochs
has received an Outstanding Reviewer Award.
Winter Term 2015/2016 Computer Science Teaching Award
On April 18, 2016, a Busy Beaver Teaching Award of the computer
science students has been given to Joachim Weickert for his classes on
Differential Equations in Image Processing and Computer Vision.
Jean Kuntzmann Prize 2016
Joachim Weickert is the laureat of the
Prix Jean Kuntzmann 2016 pour les Sciences du Numérique.
This prize is awarded by the Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann and the
Persyval-Lab of the University Grenoble Alpes to honour outstanding
interdisciplinary research that covers mathematics, computer science,
and applications.
SSVM 2015 Reviewer Award
At the
Fifth International Conference on Scale Space and Variational
Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM 2015, Lege Cap Ferret, France,
May 31 - June 4, 2015), the MIA group has been awarded for
very thorough reviewing.
Summer Term 2014 Computer Science Teaching Award
A Busy Beaver Teaching Award of the computer science students has
been given to Pascal Peter (instructor) and Joachim Weickert (examiner)
for their classes on
Image Acquisition Methods.
Jan Koenderink Prize for Fundamental Contributions in Computer Vision.
Thomas Brox, Andres Bruhn, Nils Papenberg, and Joachim Weickert have
received the Jan Koenderink Prize for Fundamental Contributions in
Computer Vision at the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2014,
Zurich, Switzerland, Sept. 6-12, 2014). This test of time award was
given for their ECCV 2004 paper
"High Accuracy Optical Flow Estimation Based on a Theory for Warping".
Winter Term 2013/2014 Computer Science Teaching Award
Oliver Demetz and Joachim Weickert have received a Busy Beaver Teaching
Award of the computer science students for their seminar on
Advances in Image Processing and Computer Vision.
Maria Petrou Prize for Invariance in Computer Vision.
At the 2013 British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC),
Oliver Demetz, David Hafner, and Joachim Weickert have received
the Maria Petrou Prize for Invariance in Computer Vision for their paper
"The Complete Rank Transform: A Tool for Accurate and Morphologically
Invariant Matching of Structures". In total, 439 papers have been
DAGM-OAGM 2012 Paper Award
Christopher Schroers, Henning Zimmer, Levi Valgaerts, Andrés Bruhn,
Oliver Demetz, and Joachim Weickert have received a Paper Award at the
DAGM-OAGM 2012 Conference for their paper
"Anisotropic Range Image Integration".
2012 ARD / ZDF Award for Women and Media Technology
Judith Jakob is the winner of the second prize in the
2012 ARD / ZDF Award Ceremony for Women and Media Technology.
This award is based on her master thesis in applied mathematics that she
has written in our group. It is concerned with mathematical restoration
methods for old movies.
Winter Term 2011 / 2012 Computer Science Teaching Award
Joachim Weickert has received a Busy Beaver Teaching Award of the computer
science students for his classes on
Image Processing and Computer Vision.
Winter Term 2011 / 2012 Mathematics Teaching Award
Joachim Weickert has received the Mathematics Teaching Award
for the Winter Term 2011 / 2011 for his classes on
Image Processing and Computer Vision.
Academy Membership
In honour of his scientific achievements, Joachim Weickert
has become elected member of the
Academia Europaea - The Academy of Europe.
2011 ICCV Outstanding Reviewer Award
At the
2011 International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)
an outstanding reviewer award was awarded to Andrés Bruhn for his
excellent work as programme committee member.
2011 MVA Most Influential Paper of the Decade Award
At the 12th IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications
(MVA 2011, June 13-15, 2011, Nara, Japan), Luis Alvarez, Rachid Deriche,
Javier Sánchez, and Joachim Weickert have received a Most Influential
Paper of the Decade Award for their MVA 2000 paper
2010 ACCV Outstanding Reviewer Award
At the
2010 Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV),
an outstanding reviewer award was awarded to Andrés Bruhn for his
excellent work as programme committee member.
At the
2010 Annual Symposium of the German Pattern Recognition Society
(DAGM), the best paper award (main prize) has been assigned to the paper
2010 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize
On March 15, 2010, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) has
awarded the
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize to Joachim Weickert.
The Leibniz Prize is the most prestigeous science award in Germany
and includes up to 2.5 million Euro in research funds.
2009 Teaching Award in Mathematics
The 2009 Summer Term Teaching Prize in Mathematics at Saarland
University has been awarded to Joachim Weickert for his lectures on
2009 Günter Hotz Medal
In the winter term 2008/2009 the Günter Hotz Medal for the best master's
thesis in Computer Science at Saarland University was awarded to Pascal Gwosdek
for his work
2008 Busy Beaver Teaching Award
The 2008 Summer Term Teaching Prize in Computer Science at Saarland
University has been awarded to Andrés Bruhn for his lectures on
At the 2008 European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)
an outstanding reviewer award was awarded to Andrés Bruhn for his
excellent work as programme committee member.
At the 2008 International IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition (CVPR) an outstanding reviewer award was awarded to Joachim
Weickert for his excellent work as programme committee member.
The 2006 Dr. Eduard Martin Prize for outstanding scientific contributions
during his Ph.D. thesis at Saarland University was awarded to Andrés
At the 2007 Annual Meeting of the German Computer Science Society (GI),
the GI Dissertation Award for the best
Ph.D. thesis in computer science in 2006 was
awarded to Andrés Bruhn by
for his thesis
At the 2006 International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC),
the best paper award has been assigned to the paper
The 2006 Summer Term Teaching Prize in Computer Science at Saarland
University has been awarded to Joachim Weickert for his lectures on
At the 2006 Annual Symposium of the German Pattern Recognition Society
(DAGM), the Olympus Prize
was awarded to Andrés Bruhn for his outstanding work in the field of pattern recognition and image understanding.
This prize constitutes the highest award given by the DAGM.
At the 2005 Annual Symposium of the German Pattern Recognition Society
(DAGM), the best paper award (main prize) has been assigned to the paper
At the 2005 Annual Symposium of the German Pattern Recognition Society
(DAGM), a paper award has been assigned to the paper
This prize is awarded for the best contribution at the Eighth European
Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2004). It is regarded as the highest
European computer vision award. From a total of 555 manuscripts submitted
to the conference, the following paper has been selected:
The best paper award in the section Numerical Analysis, Scientific
Computung, Visualisation of the 2003 Annual Meeting of the German
Society of Mathematicians (DMV) has been awarded to Joachim Weickert
for the presentation "Relations between nonlinear denoising methods
in signal and image processing". A corresponding journal paper appeared as
At the 2003 Annual Symposium of the German Pattern Recognition Society
(DAGM), a paper award has been assigned to the paper
The 2003 Summer Term Teaching Prize in Computer Science at Saarland
University has been awarded to Joachim Weickert for his lectures on
At the 2002 Annual Symposium of the German Pattern Recognition Society
(DAGM), a paper award has been assigned to the paper
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