
The owner of this webpage is not responsible for the content of external pages.

Luis Alvarez
Marcelo Bertalmio
Giuseppe Boccignone
Rein van den Boomgaard
Sebastien Bougleux
Charles Bouman
Thomas Brox
Alfred Bruckstein
Nathan Cahill
Vicent Caselles
Raymond Chan
Yunmei Chen
Laurent Cohen
Daniel Cremers
Laurent Demaret
Rachid Deriche
Michael Elad
Selim Esedoglu
Olivier Faugeras
Jalal Fadili
Bernd Fischer
Luc Florack
Bart ter Haar Romeny
Paul Jackway
Peter Johansen
Sung Ha Kang
Stephen Keeling
Abdul Khaliq
Seongjai Kim
Ron Kimmel
Georges Koepfler
Janusz Konrad
Pierre Kornprobst
Amine Laghrib
Stan Z. Li
Tony Lindeberg
Brad Lucier
Marcus Magnor
Riccardo March
Steve Marron
Karol Mikula
Jan Modersitzki
Jean-Michel Morel
Pep Mulet
David Mumford
Mads Nielsen
Mila Nikolova
Peter Olver
Stanley Osher
Nikos Paragios
Gabriel Peyre
Ilya Pollak
Bodo Rosenhahn
Nicolas Rougon
Martin Rumpf
Guillermo Sapiro
Alessandro Sarti
Otmar Scherzer
Michael Schreiner
James Sethian
Fiorella Sgallari
Kaleem Siddiqi
Nir Sochen
Gerald Sommer
Thomas Sonar
Jon Sporring
Gabriele Steidl
Allen Tannenbaum
Michael Unser
Baba Vemuri
Curt Vogel
Yehoshua Zeevi
Song Chun Zhu

MIA Group
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