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3D Research
Color Research and Application
Computer Graphics and Image Processing (discontinued)
Computer Vision and Image Understanding
Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (discontinued)
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics
CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing (discontinued)
CVGIP: Image Understanding (discontinued)
Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal
Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis
Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision
Graphical Models and Image Processing (discontinued)
IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image and Signal Processing (discontinued)
IET Computer Vision
IET Image Processing
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (discontinued)
IEEE Signal Processing Letters
IPOL Journal: Image Processing On Line
Imaging Science Journal
International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition
International Journal of Computer Vision
International Journal of Image and Graphics
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
International Journal of Shape Modeling (discontinued)
International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing
Inverse Problems and Imaging
Image Analysis and Stereology
Image and Vision Computing
Imaging Science Journal
Journal of Digital Imaging
Journal of Electronic Imaging
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
Journal of Medical Imaging
Journal of the Optical Society of America A
Journal of Real-Time Image Processing
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation
Machine Graphics and Vision
Machine Vision and Applications
Medical Image Analysis
Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing
Multimedia Tools and Applications
Optical Engineering
Pattern Analysis and Applications
Pattern Recognition
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
Pattern Recognition Letters
Real-Time Imaging (discontinued)
Sampling Theory, Signal Processing, and Data Analysis
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences
Signal, Image and Video Processing
Signal Processing
Signal Processing: Image Communication
Sensing and Imaging

MIA Group
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responsible for
the content of
external pages.

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