Welcome to the homepage of the lecture Image Processing and Computer Vision Summer Term 2021 |
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Image Processing and Computer Vision
Three Teaching Awards
(2 in Computer Science, 1 in Mathematics)
Lectures (4h) with theoretical and programming assignments (2h); News – Type of Lectures – Prerequisites – Tutorials – Registration – Written Exams – Contents – Self Test – Material for the Programming Assignments – Example Solutions for the Assignments – Literature
08.10.2021: The results of the second written exam are now online. 04.10.2021: Opportunity for exam inspection: 04.10.2021: The seating for the second exam is now available. 02.08.2021: Opportunity for exam inspection: 02.08.2021: The results of the first written exam are now online. 27.07.2021: The seating for the first exam is now available. 22.07.2021: A list of students admitted to the exams is now available. 15.04.2021: Registered students have been added to the mailing list of their tutorial. If you have not received a welcoming email to your student account, contact Michael Ertel. 15.04.2021: Registered students have been added to the ipcv21 mailing list. If you have not received a welcoming email to your student account, contact Michael Ertel. 15.04.2021: The registration is now closed. 13.04.2021: Registration is now open. This class gives a broad introduction to the mathematically well-founded and model-based areas of image processing and computer vision. These fields are important in numerous applications including medical image analysis, computer-aided quality control, robotics, computer graphics, multimedia, data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. The class is required for starting a bachelor thesis in our group. It is planned that this class will be continued in the winter term by the class "Differential Equations in Image Processing and Computer Vision" which will bring you closer to our research topics. Both classes are required to pursue a master thesis in our group. This course is suitable for students of Visual Computing, Mathematics, Computer Science, Mathematics and Computer Science, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Mechatronics, and Physics. It counts e.g. as a visual computing core area course within the Visual Computing program, and as a core course (Stammvorlesung) within Mathematics or Computer Science. It is based on undergraduate mathematical knowledge from the first three semesters (such as "Mathematics for Computer Scientists I-III"). For the programming assignments, some elementary knowledge of C is required. The lectures are given in English. In the online tutorials we discuss the homework assignments (theory and programming). The programming assignments give an intuition about the way how image processing and computer vision algorithms work, while the theoretical assigments provide additional insights, also from a mathematical perspective.
For the homework assignments you can obtain up to 24 points per week.
To qualify for both exams you need 50 percent of all possible points.
Working in groups of up to three people is permitted and strongly
recommended, but all persons must be in the same tutorial group. By presenting your solution to a homework problem in the tutorials, you can earn 2 bonus points. If you have questions concerning the tutorials, please do not hesitate to contact Michael Ertel.
Seven online groups are scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday:
If you have difficulties with the programming assignments, feel free to consult our
The tutors can be reached via the mail addresses: You could register for this course and the tutorial groups between Tuesday, April 13, 2021, 14:00 and Thursday, April 15, 2021, 12:00. We use Zoom as online teaching platform. Please make sure that you have access to it. Please do not forget to register also in the HISPOS/LSF system (apart from Erasmus students). This system administrates your exam admission and your grades. It will allow registrations as of April 19, 2021. Information on exam registration can be found here. It is planned to have two written exams. Changes due to the development of the COVID-19 pandemic cannot be excluded. We will announce any changes of the exam dates as soon as possible.
The first exam takes place on July 29, 14:00-17:00.
In order to qualify for the exams you need 50 percent of all
possible points from the homework assignments.
In case of qualification, you are allowed to take part in both exams.
The better grade counts. Each exam counts as an individual attempt. Both exams will be closed book exams. You will have to follow these rules:
If a student is unable to attend the written exams due to reasons beyond his/her control (e.g. because of an illness (medical certificate required immediately), travel restrictions, or another exam at the same day), it is planned to provide alternative options such as an online oral exam. A list of students that are admitted to the written exams is now available here. If you do not find your matriculation number in the list and you think you should be admitted to the exams, please contact Michael Ertel.
Here is the distribution of places by family name (i.e. surname, last name)
for the first exam that takes place
on Thursday, July 29, 2021 from 14:00 to 17:00: The results of the first written exam can be found here, and the corresponding distribution of points and grades here. Each student who has participated in the first written exam has the opportunity to inspect his/her graded solutions in Lecture hall 001 in Building E1.3 on Wednesday, August 4, 2021 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Due to Covid-19 you are assigned a time slot for the exam inspection. You can see when you should arrive here.
The second exam that takes place
on Wednesday, October 6, 2021 from 14:00 to 17:00 will be held at
: The results of the second written exam can be found here, and the corresponding distribution of points and grades here. Each student who has participated in the second written exam has the opportunity to inspect his/her graded solutions in Lecture hall 001 in Building E1.3 on Monday, October 11, 2021. Due to Covid-19 you are assigned a time slot for the exam inspection. You can see when you should arrive here.
Course material is available on this webpage in order to
support the teaching and the tutorials, not to replace
them. Additional organisational information, examples and explanations
that may be relevant for your understanding and the exam are provided
in the lectures and tutorials. It is solely your responsibility
- not ours - to make sure that you receive this infomation. Here is
a preliminary list of the planned contents:
There is no specific text book for this class, but many of our image processing topics are covered in one of the following books:
Computer vision books include
These and further books can be found in the mathematics and computer
science library.
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