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Image Acquisition Methods

Summer Term 2013

Image Acquisition Methods

Lecturer: Pascal Peter

Examiner: Prof. Dr. Joachim Weickert

Summer Term 2013

Lecture (2h) with exercises (2h)
6 credit points

Lectures: Friday 14-16 c.t., Building E1.3, Lecture Hall 001
First lecture: Friday, April 19, 2013

Tutorials: Tuesday 16-18 c.t., Building E1.3, Seminar Room 016
First tutorial: Tuesday, April 30, 2011

AnnouncementsDescriptionEntrance requirementsContents
ExamsLecture notes/AssignmentsReferences

You can find your result of the second exam here.
General statistics about this exam can be downloaded here.

Exam inspection takes place on Wednesday, October 9, 15.00-16.00 in Building E1.7, Room 4.10.

You can find your result of the first exam here.
General statistics about this exam can be downloaded here.

Registration for this lecture was open from Tuesday, April 16, 2013 (2 pm) until Tuesday, April 23, 2013 (2 pm).
Keep in mind that depending on your course of studies, you also have to register via the HISPOS system of the Saarland University.

The course is designed as a supplement for image processing lectures, to be attended before, after or parallel to them. In order to choose the right image processing methods for a given image, it is important to know what the image data represents and what specific properties it possesses.

Therefore, in this lecture, participants learn:

  • what digital images are,
  • how they are acquired,
  • what they encode and what they mean,
  • which limitations are introduced by image acquisition.

A broad selection of different acquisition methods is featured in this lecture and should enable participants to deal with image data from many different fields.

Basic mathematics courses are recommended.
The lecture will be given in English.

A broad variety of image acquisition methods is described, including imaging by virtually all sorts of electromagnetic waves, acoustic imaging, magnetic resonance imaging and more. While medical imaging methods play an important role, the overview is not limited to them.

Starting from physical foundations, description of each image acquisition method extends via aspects of technical realisation to mathematical modelling and representation of the data.

The first written exam will take place on Friday, July 26, 2013 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm in building E1.3, lecture hall HS002.
The second exam will take place on Tuesday, October 1, 2013 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm in building E1.3, lecture hall HS002.
These are closed book exams. You can participate in both exams, and the better grades counts.

Please remember that you have to register online for the exam in the HISPOS system of the Saarland University.

Lecture notes / Assignments

Participants of the course can download the lecture materials below (access password-protected). The slides are available in two versions: the "script" version is printer friendly while the "slide" version retains the functionality to enlarge images and use slide navigation.

No. Title Date Script Slides
1 Introduction and Basic Concepts I 19/04 [download] [download]
2 Basic Concepts II 26/04 [download] [download]
3 Imaging by Visible Light I: Electromagnetic Spectrum 03/05 [download] [download]
4 Imaging by Visible Light II: Optics, Sensorics, Photography 10/05 [download] [download]
5 Imaging by Visible Light III: Colour Spaces, Telescopes, Mirrors, Microscopy 17/05 [download] [download]
6 Imaging by Visible Light IV: Dual Photography, Triangulation, Holography 24/05 [download] [download]
7 X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Imaging in 2-D 31/05 [download] [download]
8 Radioastronomy, Radar, Terahertz Radiation, Microwave and Radio Wave Imaging 07/06 [download] [download]
9 Computerised X-Ray Tomography I: Transmission Tomography, Reconstruction, Scanners 14/06 [download] [download]
10 Computerised X-Ray Tomography II: Visualisation, Artefacts, Noise, Emission Tomography 21/06 [download] [download]
11 Magnetic Resonance Imaging I 28/06 [download] [download]
12 Magnetic Resonance Imaging II 05/07 [download] [download]
13 Electron Microscopy 12/07 [download] [download]
14 Acoustic Waves, Sonar, Ultrasound 19/07 [download] [download]

Assignments are published in the week before the tutorial takes place. It is not necessary to hand in the exercises and they will not be graded. All exercises are intended to be solved and discussed during the tutorial session. For formal exercises a written solution is also offered online.

No. Assignments Date Solutions
1 Tutorial 1: Quantisation and Sampling April 30 Solution 1
2 Tutorial 2: Polarisation, Rotor
and Maxwell's Equations
May 7 Solution 2
3 Tutorial 3: Real vs. Virtual Images,
Snell's Law and Dispersion
May 14 Solution 3
4 Tutorial 4: Mirror Optics, Fresnel Equations, Brewster's Angle, Total Reflection May 21 Solution 4
5 Tutorial 5: Colour Distances, Illumination Changes, Triangulation May 28 Solution 5
6 Tutorial 6: Beer's Law, Contrast, Detector Noise June 4 Solution 6
7 Tutorial 7: Time of Flight, Effective Half-Life June 11 Solution 7
8 Tutorial 8: Computer Tomography and Radon Transform June 18 Solution 8
9 Tutorial 9: Gaussian and Poisson Noise June 25 Solution 9
10 Tutorial 10: CT Scans and Sampling, Tensor Visualisation July 2 Solution 10
11 Tutorial 11: Opportunity for questions about tutorial solutions. July 9
12 Tutorial 12: Test Exam. July 16 Solution 12

  • B. Jähne, H. Haußecker, P. Geißler, editors, Handbook of Computer Vision and its Applications. Volume 1: Sensors and Imaging. Academic Press, San Diego 1999.
  • S. Webb, The Physics of Medical Imaging. Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol 1988.
  • C. L. Epstein, Introduction to the Mathematics of Medical Imaging. Pearson, Upper Saddle River 2003.
  • R. Blahut, Theory of Remote Image Formation. Cambridge University Press, 2005.
  • A. C. Kak, M. Slaney, Principles of Computerized Tomographic Imaging. SIAM, Philadelphia 2001.
  • Articles from journals and conferences.

Further references will be given during the lecture.

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