
Surface Processing: Theory and Applications

Winter Term 2014/15

Hauptseminar: Surface Processing: Theory and Applications

Martin Schmidt, Prof. Joachim Weickert

Winter Term 2014/15

(Main) Seminar (2 h)

Notice for bachelor/master students of mathematics: This is a »Hauptseminar« in the sense of these study programs.

Visualisation of Shape Correspondances [1].

Important DatesDescriptionRegistrationRequirementsOverview of Topics

Introductory meeting (mandatory):
The introductory meeting took place on Thursday, October 9, 2014, 4:15 pm.
In this meeting, we assigned the topics to the participants. Attendance is mandatory for all participants.

Regular meetings during the winter term 2014/15:
Tuesday, 4:15 pm. Building E1.7, Room 410

Date of first regular meeting:
Tuesday, Nov 11, 2014

Last meeting (planned):
Tuesday, Jan 20, 2015

Write-up submission deadline:
Monday, Mar 9, 10 am

Contents: The importance of 3d data has grown enormously in the last decade, be it for cinemas, digital cameras, computer games or medical applications. The goal of this seminar is to discuss recent advances in the field of surface processing as well as to understand the mathematical concepts needed for this. Possible topics include

  • basic concepts from differential geometry,
  • representation and discretisation of 3d surfaces,
  • reconstruction of surfaces from point clouds,
  • diffusion-based surface smoothing,
  • simultaneous mesh editing
  • and many more.

Prerequisites: The seminar is for advanced bachelor or master students in Visual Computing, Mathematics or Computer Science. Basic mathematical knowledge (e.g. Mathematik für Informatiker I-III) is required, and some knowledge in image analysis or geometric modelling is recommended.

Language: All papers are written in English, and English is the language of presentation.

The registration period is over.

Since the number of talks is limited, we ask for your understanding that participants will be considered strictly in the order of registration – no exceptions.

Regular attendance: You must attend all seminar meetings, except for provable important reasons (medical certificate).

Talk: Talk duration is 30 min, plus 15 min for discussion. Please do not deviate from this time schedule.
You may give a presentation using a data projector, overhead projector or blackboard, or mix these media appropriately. Your presentation should be delivered in English. Your slides and your write-up, too, should be in English.

Write-up: The write-up should summarise your talk, about 5 pages per speaker will be adequate in most cases. Electronic submission is preferred. File format for electronic submissions is PDF – text processor files (like .doc) are not acceptable. Do not forget to hand in your writeup, because participants that do not submit a writeup cannot obtain the certificate for the seminar!

Plagiarism: Adhere to the standards of scientific referencing and avoid plagiarism: Quotations and copied material (such as images) must be clearly marked as such, and a bibliography is required. Otherwise the seminar counts as failed.

Mandatory consultation: Talk preparation has to be presented to your seminar supervisor no later than one week before the talk is given. It is your responsibility to approach us timely and make your appointment!

No-shows: In case you do not appear to your scheduled talk, we reserve the right to exclude you from all future seminars of our group.

Participation in discussions: The discussions after the presentations are a vital part of this seminar. This means that the audience (i.e. all paricipants) poses questions and tries to find positive and negative aspects of the proposed idea. This participation is part of your final grade.

Being in time: To avoid disturbing or interrupting the speaker, all participants have to be in the seminar room in time. Participants that turn out to be regularly late must expect a negative influence on their grade.

We plan to discuss the following papers. If your registration was successful, the password will be sent to you before the first meeting.

No.   Date   Speaker Paper
1 Nov 11 Alexander Scheer
Shen, O'Brien, Shewchuk:
Interpolating and Approximating Implicit Surfaces from Polygon Soup
2 Nov 11 Mayur Bhamborae
Kazhdan, Hoppe:
Screened Poisson Surface Reconstruction
3 Nov 18 Maike Eißfeller
Calakli, Taubin:
SSD: Smooth Signed Distance Surface Reconstruction
4 Nov 18 Sonja Forderer
Schroers, Setzer, Weickert:
A Variational Taxonomy for Surface Reconstruction from Oriented Points
5 Nov 25 Seyedmajid Azimi
Lorensen, Cline:
Marching Cubes: A High Resolution 3D Surface Construction Algorithm
Schaefer, Warren:
Dual Marching Cubes: Primal Contouring of Dual Grids
6 Nov 25 Nane Neu
Botsch, Kobbelt, Pauly, Alliez, Lévy:
Polygon Mesh Processing, Chapter 3.1 + 3.2 (Differential Geometry)
7 Dec 2 Pascal Ziegler
Botsch, Kobbelt, Pauly, Alliez, Lévy:
Polygon Mesh Processing, Chapter 3.3 (Discrete Differential Operators)
8 Dec 2 Zornitsa Kostadinova
Crane, Weischedel, Wardetzky:
Geodesics in Heat: A New Approach to Computing Distance Based on Heat Flow
9 Dec 9 Dushyant Mehta
Laplace-Beltrami Eigenfunctions
10 Dec 9 Lilli Kaufhold
Kovnatsky, Bronstein, Bronstein, Glashoff, Kimmel:
Coupled Quasi-Harmonic Bases
11 Dec 16 Amirhossein Kardoost
Neumann, Varanasi, Theobalt, Magnor, Wacker:
Compressed Manifold Modes for Mesh Processing
12 Dec 16 Eldar Insafutdinov
Clarenz, Diewald, Rumpf:
Anisotropic Geometric Diffusion in Surface Processing
Jan 6 no meeting
13 Jan 13 Frank Nedwed
Bae, Weickert:
Partial Differential Equations for Interpolation and Compression of Surfaces
14 Jan 13 Philipp Flotho
Sochen, Kimmel, Malladi:
A General Framework for Low Level Vision
15 Jan 20 Lukas Brausch
Malladi, Ravve:
Fast Difference Scheme for Edge Enhancing Beltrami Flow
16 Jan 20 Semih Korkmaz
Covariant Derivatives and Vision

  1. A. Kovnatsky, M. M. Bronstein, A. M. Bronstein, K. Glashoff, and R. Kimmel:
    Coupled Quasi-Harmonic Bases.
    Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics) , 23(2.4):439-448, 2013.

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