Student ID Points Achieved in 2nd Exam Final Grade (best of 1st and 2nd exam) 2505471 20 5.0 2505468 34 3.3 2509732 zip 5.0 2511068 16 3.7 2529204 zip 1.0 2511580 56 1.0 2510522 36 3.3 2528956 32 4.0 2513366 42 2.3 2525510 38 3.0 2525741 zip 2.0 2518053 49 1.7 2501864 zip 1.0 2524665 zip 3.0 2530745 zip 1.7 2525752 zip 5.0 2526824 33 4.0 2513388 50 1.7 2519967 zip 5.0 2529939 33 4.0 2508478 zip 3.3 2529177 36 3.3 The grading is as follows: 56-60: 1.0 53-55: 1.3 49-52: 1.7 46-48: 2.0 42-45: 2.3 40-41: 2.7 38-39: 3.0 36-37: 3.3 34-35: 3.7 30-33: 4.0 <30 : 5.0 The average grade has been: 3.059